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Big picture

Before beginning any work on your behalf, we like to understand the full story of why you have come to see us. Starting out with a complete picture of your situation allows us to identify missing pieces and work out potential stresses that may impact you in the future. We can then deliver more comprehensive advice and provide you with a written assessment of your legal position for you to refer to and work from.


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Though many of the disputes or issues we help to resolve are related to business, they have the potential to take a toll on you at a personal level. Whether it is the time you are forced to spend away from work or loved ones, or the frustrating likelihood that you may not achieve the outcome you want, we always take these personal stresses into account before we give any advice. This might mean if we think the personal cost is too high, we will suggest walking away from a problem, rather than getting involved in a struggle that is unlikely to give you what you want.


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Flexible fee structure

We hate the idea that you dread seeing our number come up, or our email in your inbox because you are worried how much our time is costing you. We are happy to agree on fixed prices for our services before we begin working for you. That way, you know any contact from us related to a particular matter is all part of the package. Of course if you would prefer to work on an hourly rate or retainer, we are happy to do that too.



Measuring success

Understanding your expectations allows us to work with you to come up with a plan for what we can achieve on your behalf. This drilling down into your business and personal goals, means we can work out the best legal processes to help you make those goals a reality.


Practical parameters

From the outset, we strive to understand the practical constraints we are working within. What are your timeframes? Who are the people involved? How far into the process are you? How involved do you want us to be? What fee structure will work best for you? By setting up the who, what, where, when and why, we can adapt our work processes to suit your needs.

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Straight talk

While some lawyers use convoluted legal speak, we believe it is your right to completely understand what we are doing on your behalf and why. After more than twenty years practicing law, we know how to break down all of our thinking and decision making into clear and understandable language so you can feel as in control of the process as possible.